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sábado, 15 de mayo de 2010

Programacion del 15/05/10 (entrando al museo del metal)

Programa No.32 del año, y esto es lo que sonó...

Speed Metal

rola --- BANDA

needled 24-7 --- CHILDREN OF BODOM
burning earth --- FIREWIND
patagonia suburbana --- AONIKENK
hell is thy home --- GAMMA RAY
one from the stands --- KALMAH
ave fenix --- SILVER FIST
ironbound --- IRON SAVIOR
back to attack --- POWERGOD
amen --- STENTOR
she wolf --- MEGADETH
desert rose --- GRAVE DIGGER
liberando --- TRAIDOR
epiphany --- ETERNA
refuse to be denied --- ANTHRAX
la luz de ishtar --- AZRAEL
art of deception --- BULLDOZER
odinn's warriors --- STORMWARRIOR
luz en la oscuridad --- YOCASTA
the invisible man --- HELLOWEEN
savage --- CACOPHONY
spiral of violence --- WHIPLASH
indianapolis --- VAMPYR

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